Our Experts

Judith Thorpe

Judith Thorpe

Jude has spent over 20 years in business working at a strategic level.

Energised by people, ideas and possibilities, Jude champions entrepreneurial leadership and unlocking the potential of talented professionals through development and life-long learning.

Jude is a strong believer in the benefits of diversity and is committed to the development of future-fit leaders and enabling women into positions of leadership and board roles.

Jude is an experienced mentor and completed her Executive Career Coaching qualification in 2019.

She relishes the role of chair and facilitator and has been a member of several boards, including the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, Cornerstone, Developing the Young Workforce North East Scotland, and an ambassador for the Princes Scottish Youth Business Trust, Entrepreneurial Scotland and The Sandpiper Trust.

A founding director of TMM Recruitment, Jude is originally from North Yorkshire (and very proud to be too). She went to university in Edinburgh and has completed several leadership programmes, including a Saltire Leaders Executive Programme at Babson College, Boston.

In her youth Jude was a keen amateur dramatist, some would say she still is, she loves the outdoor life and her flat coated retriever, Oakley!

Leadership Style

Jude is effusive, verbally fluent, persuasive and gregarious, she enjoys contact with others in varying situations and circumstances. Though socially competitive, she is not aggressive. She is likely to become much more persistent when under pressure, and may appear, not only more dependable, but also more thorough.

Life Mantra

Shy bairns get nought
Email Jude linkedin
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